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Thank you for your interest in becoming a ThinkLA member! If you haven't already, take a look at some of the member benefits you will be able to take advantage of including up to 30% off of event registration. Not sure if you're ready to become a member? Create a profile to sign up for events by selecting the Guest Member option below!
PricingStudent or Educator Membership |
Ideal for full time students enrolled at a 2 or 4-year college OR instructors in advertising, marketing, communications, public relations, media, production or related fields. Must have an .edu email. Emerging Leader Membership |
Ideal for recent college graduate or kicktarting your marketing career. Our Emerging Professional membership tier is designed to support and inspire the next generation of marketing talent. Join us today to unlock your potential and take your marketing career to new heights. Welcome to a community dedicated to your growth and success! Professional Membership |
Professional Membership is ideal for individuals working full-time, or on a freelance, temporary or contract basis, within the fields of advertising, marketing, communications, public relations, media, production or related fields. Corporate Membership |
*$1,600 - $7,995/Year
Corporate membership benefits extend to all employees and also include the following member benefits:
Company Size*
Free Job Postings
Annual Membership Dues
1 - 24 employees
25 - 149 employees
150 - 399 employees
400 + employees
* Based on Los Angeles office total head count, which is representative of company revenue Once your application is submitted online, your membership will become active within 48 hours. If you need your membership activated immediately or have questions, please contact To cancel your membership and receive a full refund, please contact our office in writing at within 30 days after processed payment. No refunds will be issued if the membership was active within the 30-day cancelation period. "Active" includes, but is not limited to the actions listed below.